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Dave Ramsey: You Only Need These 5 Lessons To Be Successful

Dave Ramsey: You Only Need These 5 Lessons To Be Successful

You only need these 5 lessons to be successful!! Dave Ramsey is considered a guru for finances and he can walk the walk as well as he can talk to the talk. Losing his wealth at a young age taught him incredibly important lessons on not only how to get wealthy but how to eliminate the debt holding you down in life as well. Let us know what your favorite lesson is in the comments below! How can you apply them to your life? Subscribe for new videos every week featuring only the best business motivation, interviews and speeches from the greatest entrepreneurs, business leaders, experts, thought leaders and wealthiest people of all time. Let us know in the comments below what you would like to see in our next video! _____________ Ways to stay connected with Motiversity and stay motivated: ▶Subscribe for New Motivational Videos Every Week: ▶DOWNLOAD our Top 100 Quotes of All Time: ▶JOIN our Newsletter for Exclusive Updates, Discounts, and Deals: ▶FOLLOW our Podcasts: ▶SHOP Official Motivational Canvases and Apparel - ▶BECOME A MEMBER of Motiversity’s loyal community! ------------------------- ▶Speaker Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey is a radio host who offers financial advice on his radio program "The Ramsey Show". He is also a New York Bestselling author and speaker, David has made it his mission to make sure people who feel hopelessly in debt with no financial hope have someone they can look to and get advice from. Follow Dave Ramsey YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Website: ►Follow Motiversity on Social Media Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Website: Shop: ►Follow Motiversity on Music and Podcast Platforms Spotify Music: Apple Music: Podcasts: Mindset App: Follow all the Motiversity YouTube channels: ►Music: Audiojungle ►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. ►Submissions to Motiversity Speeches: Music or Footage: ▶Recommended Reading List: FTC Disclosure: Amazon links provided are linked to our Amazon Affiliate account & support the channel at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! #motiversity #daveramsey #motivation
"I Got Rich When I Understood This" | Jeff Bezos

"I Got Rich When I Understood This" | Jeff Bezos

I Got Rich When I Understood this! In this motivational video, Jeff Bezos shares some of his most POWERFUL Business advice that will help reveal the secrets of becoming successful, rich and become the entrepreneur of your dreams! Check out our latest Jeff Bezo's video: Let us know in the comments below what you would like to see in our next video! _____________ Ways to stay connected with Motiversity and stay motivated: ▶Subscribe for New Motivational Videos Every Week: ▶DOWNLOAD our Top 100 Quotes of All Time: ▶JOIN our Newsletter for Exclusive Updates, Discounts, and Deals: ▶FOLLOW our Podcasts: ▶SHOP Official Motivational Canvases and Apparel - ▶BECOME A MEMBER of Motiversity’s loyal community! —------------------------- ►Speaker: Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur, media proprietor, and investor. He is the founder and executive chairman of Amazon, where he previously served as the president and CEO. With a net worth of almost $200.1 billion as of September 2021, he is either the wealthiest or second-wealthiest person in the world according to both Forbes and Bloomberg's Billionaires Index. In this motivational speech, Jeff speaks about finding your true passion and how our lives are about the choices we make, not the gifts we have. "You can have a job, or you can have a career, or you can have a calling. And if you can somehow figure out how to have a calling, you've hit the jackpot because that's the big deal" - Jeff Bezos AMAZON UNBOUND book: THE EVERYTHING STORE book: Follow Jeff: Instagram: Twitter: ►Follow Motiversity on Social Media Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Website: Shop: ►Follow Motiversity on Music and Podcast Platforms Spotify Music: Apple Music: Podcasts: Mindset App: Follow all the Motiversity YouTube channels: ►Music by: Audiojungle Absolution & Ascension by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. Website: YouTube: Really Slow Motion Amazon: iTunes: Spotify: ►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. ►Submissions to Motiversity Speeches: Music or Footage: ▶Recommended Reading List: FTC Disclosure: Amazon links provided are linked to our Amazon Affiliate account & support the channel at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! #motiversity #jeffbezos #motivation
Disruptive Thinking Video
Video para thank you page productos
3 pasos para ganar la casa de tus sueños
De Inmigrante Ilegal a Empresario Millonario | Juan Chipoco, fundador de CVI.CHE 105 💰

De Inmigrante Ilegal a Empresario Millonario | Juan Chipoco, fundador de CVI.CHE 105 💰

La historia de Juan Chipoco, fundador de CVI.CHE 105. Debido a la muerte de su padre, tuvo que trabajar desde muy chico para ayudar a su familia. A los 21 años, decidió emigrar en busca de oportunidades y solo logró conseguir trabajo lavando platos en un restaurante. Hoy en día, es dueño de una cadena de exitosos restaurantes que lo han convertido en uno de los latinos más admirados e influyentes en Estados Unidos… ¿Cómo lo logró? El protagonista de esta historia es Juan Chipoco, quien nació en 1972 en la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Desde muy chico, tuvo que enfrentar grandes dificultades. Su padre falleció cuando él era apenas un niño, por lo que se vio obligado a abandonar sus estudios para comenzar a trabajar y ayudar a su madre y a sus hermanos menores. Su primer empleo fue como ayudante en una panadería que administraba su tío. Allí cargaba sacos de harina, limpiaba las estaciones y, poco a poco, empezó a experimentar en la cocina. Pese a que sus orígenes fueron humildes, siempre fue una persona muy ambiciosa. Tenía grandes sueños y no iba a conformarse con quedarse toda la vida cargando sacos de harina, así que, en 1993 con 21 años de edad, decidió emigrar a Estados Unidos en busca del llamado “Sueño Americano”. El joven llegó a Miami y allí lo recibió una tía que lo hospedó por algunos días. Luego, se mudó a un departamento con cinco amigos que también habían llegado al país norteamericano en busca de oportunidades. Debido a su situación de inmigrante ilegal, solo pudo conseguir trabajo lavando platos en un restaurante de comida china. Más tarde, entró a trabajar en otro restaurante de comida china, pero esta vez era propiedad de una familia peruana. El restaurante se llamaba “El Chifa” y era un referente en Miami en esa época. En el 2006, se asoció con Luis Hoyos, otro inmigrante que había conocido en uno de sus anteriores empleos y quien se convirtió en su gran apoyo. Juntos establecieron un restaurante de comida cubana llamado “La Cibeles”, pero el negocio fracasó. En el 2007, viajó a Perú con el objetivo de estudiar cocina. Durante un año estuvo perfeccionando sus técnicas culinarias y aprendiendo los grandes secretos de la gastronomía de su país. En el 2008, regresó a Estados Unidos y solicitó un préstamo para iniciar un nuevo negocio, pero esta vez estaba determinado a capitalizar todos sus errores y aprendizajes en la industria gastronómica. Así nació “CVI.CHE 105”, un pequeño restaurante de comida peruana con capacidad para 10 mesas ubicado en el Downtown de Miami. Durante los siguientes años, CVI.CHE 105 se consolidó como el mejor restaurante peruano de todo Miami según diversos rankings y publicaciones; sin embargo, la ambición de Juan no se detendría allí. En el 2012, inauguró dos nuevos negocios en la misma zona: “Pollos y Jarras”, un asadero de pollos al carbón; y “Wasska Lounge”, un bar-discoteca; ambos conceptos inspirados igualmente en la gastronomía y cultura peruana. En el 2018, Juan se alió con su hermana Fiorella Chipoco para reinaugurar “Kendall Brasa”, un asadero de pollos en Lima, Perú, que había sido fundado en 1994. En el 2019, inauguró en Miami un nuevo restaurante llamado INTI.MO, cuya carta combina platos peruanos y japoneses. En el 2020, abrió dos nuevos restaurantes: un CVI.CHE 105 en el centro comercial Dadeland Mall; y YUCA 105, una propuesta que combina platos de la gastronomía cubana y peruana. En el 2021, inauguró en Aventura Mall el segundo local de “Pollos y Jarras”, siendo este su más reciente restaurante establecido hasta el momento. Actualmente, Juan está cerca de cumplir los 50 años, sigue ejerciendo como director general de sus restaurantes, genera empleo para más de 1.000 personas, conduce lujosos autos valorados en cientos de miles de dólares y vive en su mansión de 5.000 mts2 junto a sus dos hijos y su pareja, quien también es su socio y ha estado a su lado apoyándolo desde sus inicios. A lo largo de su carrera, el exitoso chef y empresario ha recibido diversos premios y reconocimientos por su labor, siendo considerado como uno de los latinos más admirados e influyentes en Estados Unidos. A futuro, planea seguir expandiendo sus restaurantes para llevar la esencia de la gastronomía y cultura peruana a ciudades como Nueva York y a países como Qatar. Más casos de éxito en: http://www.negociosyemprendimiento.or... Créditos de los vídeos utilizados: • Canal de YouTube Peruanos por el mundo: • Big Stock Photo • Pexels, Pixabay Recuerda suscribirte para seguir disfrutando de nuestros vídeos. #Emprendedores​​​​ #Éxito​​​​ #Negocios
How to find HIGH PAYING customers for your MARKETING strategy!
You have your product, you know who you are trying to sell to, but there’s one thing standing in between you and massive sales… you don’t know where your dream customer is hiding! In today’s video, we’ll be going over how you can market to your dream customer and get sales from not just warm traffic but cold traffic too. Get your Free Traffic Secrets Book Here ClickFunnels was built with you...the entrepreneur, the business owner, the course creator, the speaker, the mind. Because we know that you need just 2 things to ramp your business FAST 1) Collect Leads 2) Generate Sales. And that’s exactly what ClickFunnels helps you do best. Pure and simple. Get your free 14-day trial at CHECK OUT THESE RELATED VIDEOS: How to find a HOT MARKET and make a LOT of MONEY... 5 Steps to Becoming an EXPERT Marketer - This formula works!! LOVE RUSSELL BRUNSON - CLICKFUNNELS AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: Learn more about sales funnels, sales funnel strategies, marketing, traffic, and more with the Marketing secrets show: 4. FOLLOW ME ON MY ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #RussellBrunson #ClickFunnels #Marketing
How To Turn 3,000 Email Clicks Into 300,000 Visitors
I had a huge shift in my thinking about email marketing this weekend… let me show you how it works. Subscribe: On today's episode Russell talks about how he plans to use email as an amplifier in the future for Facebook Live videos in order to get more clicks. Here are some of the awesome things he talks about in this episode: -What he has learned from watching Gary Vaynerchuk and how he's implementing it into his own stuff. -Why it's important to master all the social media platforms available. -And how he plans to use email and Facebook Messenger as an amplifier to be able to get more views and clicks per video he puts up on Facebook. So listen below to find out what Russell thinks is in the future for email, that will make having a large list even better. LOVE FUNNEL HACKER TV AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: You don't get much more epic than blowing every sales record at Grant Cardone's 10X Event. What how Russell did it! 3 Million Dollars in 90 Minutes: 4. FOLLOW RUSSELL BRUNSON ON HIS ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: 5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here: #ClickFunnels #RussellBrunson #MarketingSecrets
How To Outspend EVERYONE Profitably
Marketing Secret #1 will explain the concept of “whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins” and how you can do it quickly without raising money. Subscribe: On the first episode of Marketing Secrets Podcast, Russell talks about the first secret of marketing, which is Don't Cheat! Here are some of the awesome things you will get to hear in today's episode: -When it comes to building your business, taking money from venture capitalists is like cheating. -How you can build your business without accepting money from VC's by reading Russell's books. -And find out what kinds of things you can expect in future episodes of Marketing Secrets podcast. So listen below to find out why taking money from VC's is cheating, and how you can still be successful without it. LOVE FUNNEL HACKER TV AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: We created a series called Marketing 101. It will give you some of the marketing tips you need to go to the next level and gives you tools that you can invest in so you can change your life for the better: 4. FOLLOW RUSSELL BRUNSON ON HIS ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: 5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here: #ClickFunnels #RussellBrunson #MarketingSecrets
The BEST Team Building Activity - This EXPLODED our company!!
Let’s be honest… on many levels… Growth of your company has a direct correlation to your team, the trust they have in you, and with each other. It’s something I am very aware of at ClickFunnels. So today I am taking you inside one of our team building activities to show you how we build trust. It’s uncomfortably honest, amazingly affirming and there’s not a trust fall in sight. Get your Free Traffic Secrets Book Here ClickFunnels was built with you...the entrepreneur, the business owner, the course creator, the speaker, the mind. Because we know that you need just 2 things to ramp your business FAST 1) Collect Leads 2) Generate Sales. And that’s exactly what ClickFunnels helps you do best. Pure and simple. Get your free 14-day trial at CHECK OUT THESE RELATED VIDEOS: 5 Best Productivity Apps that Changed ClickFunnels Why You Have to FAIL as an be SUCCESSFUL LOVE RUSSELL BRUNSON - CLICKFUNNELS AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: Learn more about sales funnels, sales funnel strategies, marketing, traffic, and more with the Marketing secrets show: 4. FOLLOW ME ON MY ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #RussellBrunson #ClickFunnels #TeamBuildingActivities
How To Ethically Smash Your Competition
A cool underground way to overcome your competitors. Subscribe: On today's episode Russell talks about planting seeds of doubt about his competitors in the minds of potential customers.He explains how he does it, and why it makes it not a matter of if they become Clickfunnels customers, but when. Here are some interesting things in this episode: -Why it's okay to attack your competitors as long as they are number one and you are number two,but not okay once you become number one. -How you can plant seeds of doubt so that eventually you will get the customer. -And how all of that is similar to how people compete in sports. So listen below to learn how to plant seeds of doubt about your competitors so you can eventually win over the customer. LOVE FUNNEL HACKER TV AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: We recently made a series where Russell Brunson answers the questions YOU want to know. From getting free traffic, facebook ads, optimizing your funnel, to time management and goal setting. Check it out here: 4. FOLLOW RUSSELL BRUNSON ON HIS ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: 5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here: #ClickFunnels #RussellBrunson #MarketingSecrets
Go From 0 to 1 Million Dollars Using The What And The How
The secret from going from zero to a million dollars is all about identifying what it is you’re selling and how you’re selling it. Subscribe: Subscribe to our NEW podcast at On this episode Russell talks about being able to have the “What” you’re selling and “How” you’re selling it, to be able to go from $0 to $1 million. Here are some of the awesome things Russell talks about in today’s episode: -Why you need to be doing a webinar weekly that you can tweak and change to be able to figure out what you should be selling and how you should be selling it. -How to use your creativity as an entrepreneur to change things to what your customers want. -And why once you have figured out the “what” and “how”, making a million dollars will be fast and easy. So listen below to find out why figuring out the “what” to sell and “how” to sell it can take you from 1 to 7 figures a year. LOVE FUNNEL HACKER TV AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: We recently went through an experience that took us from Dream Force to flying high with Grant Cardone and it challenged us to dream bigger and it will do the same for you. You can check out that series here: 4. FOLLOW RUSSELL BRUNSON ON HIS ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: 5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here: #ClickFunnels #RussellBrunson #MarketingSecrets
How To Do SEO The Right Way By Using The Dream 100
The dream 100 isn’t just for JV partners… it’s the key to ALL traffic. Subscribe: On this episode of Marketing Secrets Russell talks about immersing himself in SEO stuff over the weekend and how that has got him thinking about getting creative about getting traffic. Here are some of the cool things he mentions in this episode: -How you can use Dream 100 strategies with people who write magazine articles to get more traffic. -How you can find out who is dominating each platform (i.e YouTube, Instagram) and use them to build your Dream 100. -And find out why Russell is looking at strategies he used 10 years ago to help gain traffic. So listen below to hear how to do SEO the right way using the Dream 100. LOVE FUNNEL HACKER TV AND WANT TO LEARN MORE MARKETING ONLINE AND SALES FUNNELS? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS... 1. SUBSCRIBE: 2. CLICKFUNNELS 14 DAY FREE TRIAL: 3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: New to Funnel Hacker TV? Check out the playlist below! You'll find great entrepreneur resources, business tips, and marketing tools. 4. FOLLOW RUSSELL BRUNSON ON HIS ADVENTURES: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: 5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here: #ClickFunnels #RussellBrunson #MarketingSecrets